Website Manager

Cole Santora - 15U & Facilities Manager

Coaching Experience

4 years at TNT, 3 years at Gwynedd Mercy Academy

Coaching Philosophy

Intelligent, Aggressive execution is what wins volleyball games.

Playing Experience
4 years as a Middle playing at Panthers Volleyball Club, 2 USAV National Silver Division Wins
Varsity Co-Captain for 2 years playing as an Outside at Abington Senior High School

Best Coaching Memory
Helping my high school team win their first playoff match in 5 years

Favorite Quote - The shot clock is running down, and the ball is in your hand. This is what you wanted, so shut up and dance. Fear of failure is a poor reason not to try.

Favorite Movie -Outer Wilds

When I'm Not Coaching, I'm ... Singing, or playing video games

League Location

TNT Volleyball Bunker, 1050 Bethlehem Pike
North Wales, Pennsylvania 19454
